Fiber Optic Hole InsulatorsAdvanced Station Post Design - Technical Necessity for the Future!
19. 10 - 22. 10. 2025
INMR 2025
RIU Plaza Hotel, Panama City, Panama
Smart Solution Design – added value to high-quality PPC porcelain station post insulators and their superior strength!
Technical necessity for the future
The latest industry trends and developments are reflecting increased concern and efforts for higher safety, better reliability and more control.
PPC smart solution design is a well-proven solution for digital substations and smart grid integrated prognostics systems, which many of PPC customers have already adopted.

Customer specific design
PPC Fiber Optic Hole Post Insulator is available with all standard and non-standard PPC porcelain and hybrid station post insulator types. Ranging up to 2,550 kV BIL and designed for the most challenging performance environments.
The specific design features of PPC Fiber Optic Hole Post Insulator are only feasible using Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) process.
The Chamber Hole
Depending on the customer‘s requirements and prognostics system, PPC smart solution design enables installation of different measuring and transmitting technologies in a specially designed insulator chamber.
Equipped with rubber insert, the chamber is sealed for unhindered transmission of data traveling from sensor to data collecting device.

No bending strength decrease
With diameter from 15 to 20 mm, the chamber runs straight throughout the whole length of the insulator as well as bottom and top fitting. There are no longitudinal stresses or strains and so the insulator‘s mechanical strength is in no way affected.
Extensive bending tests performed internally and by external laboratories have successfully proven that the chamber does not affect the strength and rigidity of the insulator´s body.